PLAN at ldic
Our in-house Membership Plan ensures access to top-notch dental care without compromising on quality or straining your budget. This plan is great if you have no insurance, are retired, or are looking for affordable options.
Take a look below to learn what's included, how it's different than insurance, and Membership Plan pricing.
You can also ask us for details at your next appointment or give us a call today to learn more or sign up!​
(208) 233-7007
what's included?
Our in-house Membership Plan ensures access to top-notch care without compromising on quality or straining your budget. Take a look at what is included in the Membership Plan.
2 Annual exams
1 Emergency exam
1 Comprehensive exam for a new patient
At least 2 routine prophy cleanings or 2 perio deep cleanings (more depending on your plan)
Fluoride treatments
Oral cancer screenings
All x-rays as needed (including CBCT/ Pano)
$200 Off custom night guards
$100 Off BOOST Whitening treatment
15% off all other treatments that we offer. These treatments include, but are not limited to; crowns, fillings, root canals, implants, dentures, and partials
how is it different
than insurance?
Our in-house plan is refreshingly easy and welcomes everyone.
Quick & simple sign-up with instant benefits
No additional fees for preventative services
No pre-existing condition limitations
No prior authorizations
No waiting for enrollment
No annual maximum
No deductibles
No denials
No claims

how it works
Sign up is easy! Just give our front office a call at (208) 233-7007.
Let them know you want to sign up for our in-house Membership Plan and how many members you want to add to your account.
After payment, you and your family can start using your benefits immediately!
exclusions & limitations
This plan cannot be used in conjunction with any insurance plan, or for treatment which in the sole option of the treating dentist, lies outside the realm of their capability. Plan cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or promotions.
Payment in full is due at the time of service.
membership plan pricing
Our pricing is affordable and we offer some extra savings with the addition of more members to your plan. Prices vary depending on whether you are getting prophy cleanings or perio deep cleanings and how many visits you have per year. Check out our prices below.
Payment in full is due at the time of service.
Prophy Cleaning Plan - 2x a year
1st Member...........................
2nd Member.........................
3rd Member..........................
4th Member..........................
Additional Kids Under 19......
perio cleaning plan - 3x or 4x a year
1st Member..........................
2nd Member........................
3rd Member.........................
4th Member.........................
$530​ $630
$510 $610
$490 $590
$470 $570
perio cleaning plan - 2x a year
1st Member........................
2nd Member.......................
3rd Member........................
4th Member........................